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芬兰University of Oulu的AnttiTölli教授讲座

日期:2016-11-02 点击数:

应电子与信息网络赌博任品毅教授邀请,芬兰University of Oulu的AnttiTölli教授来我校进行学术交流并举办两场学术报告。

主题:Traffic Aware Interference Management in Dense TDD Networks

PartⅠ:2016年10月26日(星期三)下午4:00 ~ 6:00 主A-204

PartⅡ:2016年10月27日(星期四)下午4:00 ~ 6:00 主A-203


AnttiTölli(M’08–SM’14) received the Dr.Sc. (Tech.) degree in electrical engineering from the University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, in 2008. Before joining the Department of Communication Engineering (DCE) and Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC) at the University of Oulu, he worked for five years with Nokia Networks, IP Mobility Networks Division, as a Research Engineer and a Project Manager both in Finland and Spain. In May 2014, he was granted a five year (2014–2019) Academy Research Fellow post by the Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering of the Academy of Finland. He also holds an Adjunct Professor position with the DCE, University ofOulu. His research interests include radio resource management and transceiver design for broadband wireless communications with a special emphasis on distributed interference management in heterogeneous wireless networks.




In response to the explosive growth of the traffic volume and the massive number of connected devices, 5G systems, compared with 4G, are expected to provide 1000 times larger in system capacity and10 Gbps peak rate, which calls for a more flexible resource utilization paradigm. Dynamic TDD can provide efficient and flexible splitting of the common wireless cellular resources between uplink and downlink users, and is one of the key enabling technologies toward the vision of 5G. However, the dynamic allocation variation will change the interference seen by neighboring cells, complicating schemes used for training, channel feedback, dynamic resource allocation and interference management. Recent research shows that the efficient interference management needs to be aware of not only the coexisting links, service requirements, etc., but also the traffic variations. This tutorial will cover the recent advances on traffic-aware interference management for dynamic TDD and the diverse optimization techniques for dynamic TDD networks.

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